DISS news
Cyber Smart Week is a yearly event that highlights the significance of online security and motivates New Zealanders to take proactive measures.
Your online security is important to us. Online scams and malicious cyber activity via email, text or through social media have been increasing globally.
Financial wellbeing refers to how well someone can meet their current and future financial needs.
The concept of retirement means different things to different people. Whether it is the opportunity to travel, spend time with family, start a new project, or dabble in a mixture of all of the above.
Retirement savings are important for the future as it is always good to have a pool of funds in case of an uncalled-for event like a health condition or expenses related to your house or car.
Behind the scenes interview with Ashik Kurien
This recent market volatility is simply a reflection of the markets returning to a more normal monetary policy setting environment.
During share market falls in the early parts of 2020, some members considered, or did move their super into a cash investment option.
Saving for a ‘rainy day’ is an idiom many of us will know; it is the principle of putting some money aside today for a future time of need.
We're all searching for answers – especially when it comes to money.
The Government has introduced a new top personal income tax rate of 39% which applies to personal annual income that exceeds $180,000 from 1 April 2021.
We are delighted to announce the recent launch of our new FireSuper website! This site is designed to improve site functionality, navigation, and security and is hosted under the new domain
The concept of retirement means different things to different people.
As we say goodbye to a difficult 2020, there are some positive signs for the global economy.
Interest rates in New Zealand and around the world are exceptionally low, and have just recently gone lower.
Many New Zealanders spend longer choosing a movie to watch than checking their retirement savings, reveals the Financial Markets Authority.
On 31 July 2020 the death benefit payment process is changing.
The Scheme offers members access to death and permanent incapacity insurance, and all new members are automatically accepted if they join the Scheme.
We speak with Luke, one of the Helpline team members who answers the phones, about what commonly asked questions members have, his role, and when someone should call in to the team.
Protect what’s important to you by planning ahead. Make sure your loved ones are taken care of, and your assets are distributed how you want,
How much do you really have for a first home deposit? When you combine your retirement account savings,
In mid-October, global share markets went through another downturn (since February 2018), before a moderate rebound over the following days.
In order to protect your confidential financial and personal data on the website, we’ll soon be adding a new security access step known as multi factor authentication (MFA).